Saturday, May 14, 2011

If You Wanna Be My Lover... You Gotta Get With My Friends...

Today I was thinking about friends. How many people come in and out of our lives every day? Some become acquaintances, some enemies, and there are those rare few who somehow touch your heart and become your best friends.

Throughout my life I have depended on my friends for advice, love, support, and to tell me everything is going to be okay even when we both know it will take awhile for that to happen.

I remember my first best friend, Danielle. We lived down the street from each other all throughout elementary school. I remember playing dress-up in her basement and taking extremely weird faced pictures. I know I still have them in my Minnie Mouse photo album at home. I remember thinking I didn't care if I had tons of friends because I had my one best friend who I could always depend on. (especially to walk to school with me so the barking dogs didn't freak me out!)

I'm not sure the point when we lost touch. I think she started being home schooled and moved maybe a mile down the road. That seems so far when you are only 10 years old. My next best friend was Jeremy. (this is now fourth grade). I still remember we just always cracked each other up. He moved to Texas after 5th grade. This best friend relationship was short-lived. But I do remember missing him a lot. I was also best friends with Jessica. Same. We just loved laughing.

Middle School. Sixth Grade. I'm pretty sure I became a brat and only wanted to hang out with cool kids. I can't recall just one best friend. In Eight Grade, I remember five of us girls formed the group S Club 5. (I don't know if anybody remembers S Club 7? They were a band and obvi one of my faves.) Anyway. I'm pretty sure we all told people to vote for us for "best smile, best eyes..etc." and we all won something. Yeah, we were for sure in charge of the middle school kingdom. (maybe not, maybe I just thought I was cool...I think every 13 year old thinks they are).

Freshman Year. My new best friend was Jessie. We couldn't discuss religion because we both believed different things. But we became really close. We started writing notes. (Isn't this how every good friendship really starts?) And we also started telling each other about the guys we liked. I knew I could rely on her whenever I needed her. I'd say we were best friends for two years.

Between sophomore year and junior year of high school I moved to a different state. St. Louis here I come! I met Alisa at church. We became instant friends. She is one of those friends that I know I will always be friends with even if we haven't talked in over six months. I remember helping her get ready for prom. And I love gossiping with her.

I also met my best friend junior year of high school. Christine. (you will see us pictured at the top for our typical walking picture.) I think she is my friend soul-mate. We have never not been friends. Except when we first met and she thought I was flirting with the boy she liked. (we were 16...very naive.) After realizing that are boy interests were not one in the same, we just clicked. She is my best friend and always will be. We are friends not only because we are both so weird and crazy...but also because we both love our church. Religion is that one component that really brought us close together. We always took road trips to Nauvoo, Illinois along the Mississippi. We watched the Sunset and sang awesome Mormon songs. We haven't stopped loving each other since.

In college I found Ashley & Katie. KAM. We were the three musketeers. That might sounds extremely cheesy. But that is what we were. Inseparable. I think I found true and best friends in both of these girls. They have taught me more about the real world and real choices than anyone else. I admire and will always keep them close in my heart.

Huntington Beach, CA. 210, Mere, Mel & Jaime. I don't know if it's possible to click with this many people all from the same city...but I did. I can honestly call all of these girls some of my closet friends. Post-college friends really are the real world. We all share a special bond.

Real friendships are rare. I know I could count on any of these people mentioned. Sometimes we lose touch, but I know I could pick it right back up because we got to know each other so well. Friendships are like finding relationships. Find one, hook one (hope they take the bait), and make that special bond work.

**Disclaimer: I have had many friends in my life and I love everyone. These are just a few that came to mind.


  1. yeaaaaaa marty blog!!! love it!!!! sometimes i watch an old episode of greys and think about what comment u would make about mcsteamy or how ridiculous christina is, and its almost like u are right there next to me. love u marty_E!

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, this whole post was written with me in mind.

  3. Martha, you have been hiding your true character under a bushel or something! I had no idea you were so sentimental and caring! haha :) No, I knew you were but why can't you talk like this when we're on the phone?? I know, you're not really a phone person :) But what a good idea! I loved reading this and remembering all those people--I had forgotten about Danielle! Fun memories :) You may have inspired me to do the same on my blog. Love you!!

  4. Marth Brooks! I am honored to be a part of this list! It made me so happy to read :) I love you and miss you!
