Friday, May 20, 2011

Fears on a Friday

I've decided there are three things I have irrational fears of.
1. Sharks/the Ocean
2. Choking on Pills
3. Carnival Rides

Sharks. One thing I do not understand is Shark Week. Everyone in the world loves it. Is there something I am missing? I don't know about you, but watching these shows only confirms that maybe my fear isn't so irrational after all. Although I lived only a couple blocks from the ocean for a little over 2 years...I think I only went in the ocean maybe 2-3 times up to my knee. I'm content laying on the sand where my extremities are safe. I don't know where this fear came from, I've never been attacked. (I've never even seen Jaws.) But imagining dark water with fish that are gargantuan swimming beneath me is not appealing. I suppose this is why I never learned how to surf. I will say there are two things that are funny about them. 1) Bruce from Finding Nemo. 2)The episode of Friends when Monica thinks Chandler likes shark action. These are both fictional things. Therefore, I'm still scared of sharks.

Pills. Let's talk about them. Most pills are probably smaller than the bites of food I swallow on a daily basis. But, I can't seem to swallow anything bigger than a claritin without cutting or crushing it. Maybe I had some horrific choking experience when I was younger. I can't recall, maybe I have some sort of block in my memory. Kind of like the cruciatus curse in Harry Potter. What it really comes down to is that I just don't want to choke. I do not want to be going through my day, take a pill, choke, and no one be around to help me. Applesauce seems a safe option for now.

Carnival rides. I'm not sure how many people have fear of these? I wouldn't say I won't go on them...but it does give me a small level of anxiety. I mean, who puts these together? How strong are these rickety metal pieces that are holding me in the air? No one can really be sure. I do not love feeling like I could drop at any moment just because a screw or bolt comes loose. I realize the chances of this are slim...but I'm sticking to my guns.

Maybe I should relax and learn to trust sharks, pills and carnies. For now I can't, so I will live with pools, applesauce, and the safeness that is the ground for a little while yet. I still think my fear of sharks is completely rational. I mean who wants THIS attacking their leg?

1 comment:

  1. lol never heard of a pill cutter til i met you. also, excellent shark photo. just excellent.
