We all think every day, right?
Sometimes it's about trivial things,
sometimes it's about life's most important moments or decisions.
Sometimes I just think about what
outfit I might wear the next day...
or perhaps if I need to buy some more cheez-its.
Maybe I sometimes think about reading Harry Potter yet again.
Or what will happen on my favorite dramatic shows this week.
But most importantly...
I've been thinking about my life and the way it has gone so far.
I've had probably the hardest year of my life.
I constantly analyze and wonder if I had done just one or two things differently...
maybe that would have changed the outcome?
Maybe I'd be happier now?
I've learned that analyzing doesn't help anything
(even though I still do it on daily basis...oops).
I have had to put more trust in God than ever before.
I served in Argentina for a year and half
and yet in the year and a half I've been home...
my faith has had its fair share of tests.
I honestly do not know what God's plan is for me
with regards to many things.
I've had to learn that that is okay for now.
I just have to keep on going each day.
Being happy. Trying new things.
Making schedules and goals.
Spending time with family.
Trusting that there is a great plan,
even if I don't quite see it.
I like to know how things end.
I look up movie endings.
I look up TV series endings.
I look up book endings.
I want to to know how they all end.
If there is an ending to something,
you can count on me to look it up.
The one ending I can't look up is my own.
So, I can either sit around and wait and wonder when things will happen...
or live life and trust that it will end happily,
just as many things do.
The latter sounds like the better option.
I may not know my ending, but I can know and control what happens until then.
So on this Thoughtful Thursday,
I will worry a little less
and think about adjusting my sails a little more.
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