Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I found this...

So on Saturday I moved into a different house. I love moving because it gives me a chance to go through all of the things I've collected in all my years.
I found this little gem from my lovely friend, Meredith.
(this is her, isn't she pretty?)

I will put this note on the outside of my new bedroom door. I miss her oh so much. We will be
f r i e n d s f o r e v e r.
(Just like the cast of Saved by the Bell. There is no video of the actual song being sung, but you get the idea.)

Thank you for this wonderful note I will keep forever and ever.
I miss our w e i r d and c r a z y friendship.
(i also miss bang bang even though we've never met)


  1. aw, girlll you trying to make me cry?!! love you marf! i could add a billion things to that list of things i miss about you up there. cant wait to reunite, someday sooon, or else!!??

  2. ps that song is so terrible/awesome.
